Ɑngelina Jolie’s radiant smile lit up the surroundings as she made her grand entrance at the London School of Economics, where she has taken on the prestigious role of a professor.

Ɑngelina Jolie flashed a huge smile as she arrived at the London School of Economics in her new role as a professor.

angel waved to fans and showed off her slim figure in a tight grey jacket and black heels.

 Angelina Jolie flashed a beaming smile ahead of the discussion

Wearing her hair loose, the star channelled a sexy businesswoman look as she waved to fans outside, before giving a moving speech.

ang spoke out at the Centre for Women, Peace and Security, on the impact of war on women.

She told London’s Evening Standard: “i’m a little nervous, feeling butterflies. i hope i do well. This is very important to me.

Elsewhere, Ɑngelina launched a campaign against rape in war alongside William Hague in a discussion panel organised by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

as Lord Hague said many are at risk of sexual assaults in war zones, Ɑngelina said there was “much more to do”.

Five years on from the launch of the Preventing Sexual Violence initiative, the Hollywood star called for more prosecutions, increased evidence gathering and better training for armies.

 Angelina waved to fans as she arrived

 The star showed off her flawless complexion outside

She said: “all of us involved in PSVi are proud of the work so far.

“But with much more to do we are very focused on the next steps: taking the tools that have been developed into the field to help document crimes and support prosecutions, working with militaries to change doctrine and training, and pushing for the implementation of laws to protect the very vulnerable victims”.

Ɑngelina, special envoy of the uN High Commissioner for refugees, launched the campaign against rape in war with Lord Hague, then Foreign Secretary, in 2012.

 Angelina flashed her toned figure in the tight-fitting outfit


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