A Heartwarming Tale of a Man Who Tried to Adopt a Pit Bull But Ended Up Adopting Two Best Friends Instead

I hope that after reading the story, you will come to love these friends.

A gentleman visited the Rocket Dog Rescue in San Francisco in search of a furry companion. He quickly fell in love with three-year-old Pitbull, Merrill, and felt a strong emotional connection with her. However, when he tried to adopt her, they encountered a problem – Merrill didn’t want to leave her best friend behind at the shelter. The volunteers at Rocket Dog Rescue work diligently to rescue abandoned and mistreated dogs from overcrowded shelters. Their goal is to prevent dogs from being euthanized, and they frequently rescue those that have trouble finding homes. In 2014, they took in an ailing Pitbull and his eight-year-old Chihuahua companion named Taco. Even though nobody knew who their previous owner was, it was evident that the two had formed an unbreakable bond. When separated, they would whine until they were reunited! Merrill, the Chihuahua, provided comfort to her larger friend throughout their time in the shelter, demonstrating the power of friendship and warming everyone’s hearts.

After a short while, the shelter realized the incredible bond between Merrill and Taco when their previous owner surrendered them. Unfortunately, Merrill was suffering from a serious urinary tract infection and needed surgery to save her life. Throughout the entire operation, Taco was restless and anxious. Despite attempts to separate them during Merrill’s recovery, both dogs were miserable without each other’s company. In the end, the shelter staff gave up and allowed the inseparable pair to stay together until they found their forever home.

The volunteers at the recovery room were amazed by the strong bond between Taco and Meryl. Despite their emotional connection, they were worried that it would make it harder to find them homes. This is because it’s usually difficult for people to adopt bonded dogs since they can’t take care of two pets at the same time. The shelter wanted to find the perfect home for both dogs, and so they decided to list them separately on their website. Unfortunately, Taco didn’t get much attention as older dogs are less likely to be adopted compared to younger pups. On the other hand, Meryl’s story had a happy ending as a kind man visited the shelter looking to adopt a new furry friend.

Upon completing his paperwork, the man was immediately drawn to Merrill. He knew she had to come home with him. However, when they took Merrill out of the cage without Taco, a loud howling erupted. This puzzled the man until volunteers informed him that Merrill and Taco were the best of friends who did not want to be apart. Understanding their situation, the man was determined to keep them together. Although he could only adopt one dog, the shelter decided it was best for the two to stay together. They updated their website, and soon after, a volunteer named Jody offered foster care for the inseparable duo until they found their forever home.

A shelter in San Jose had two lovable dogs named Taco and Merrill who were fortunate enough to be discovered by a family through their website. The family quickly fell in love with the furry companions during their visit and decided to take them home. Despite Taco’s age, he had some health issues such as asthma and dental problems that left him with only four teeth. Although his new family was excited to take him home, Taco’s health troubles were not over yet.
Initially, they believed that his symptoms were minor and could be treated easily at home, but a month later, after visiting the vet, they discovered that he was suffering from an enlarged heart with fluid in his lungs. The condition was severe and would soon result in cardiac arrest if left untreated. He was given medication while waiting for a specialist appointment.

The family was hopeful despite the odds and tried their best to help Taco Merrill recover by making their most delicious tacos. They showed him love and care just like he would never leave his best friend. Gradually, Taco’s health improved significantly! Though he still had respiratory issues after his heart failure, they gave him anti-seizure medications and steroids to ensure a good quality of life. Despite his burdens, Taco remained happy and enjoyed playing with Merrill, who was energetic and enthusiastic in her adulthood. Merrill loved to roll around on the grass and run free, and she wanted to share her joy with Taco. Even though Taco couldn’t participate in some activities due to his size, Merrill often carried him around so he could be a part of it all. They were grateful for each other’s company, and it was a beautiful story worth sharing! ❤️

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