“Feline Mommy Gives Birth on the Go, Embraces Two Senior Kittens as Her Own”

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A feline gave birth to her litter while en route for assistance. To everyone’s surprise, she welcomed two more kittens into her brood just a few days after.

sweet cat nursing kittens

The feline rescue group, Best Friends Felines, received a call from Kerry, one of their volunteers, about an urgent case involving a pregnant cat. Kerry hurried to the location and found that the cat had already given birth to two kittens. After checking the cat’s tummy, Kerry thought she was done with labor and took the new mother and her kittens home to a dedicated maternity suite. The cat, now known as Jewel, seemed to be content with her new home, especially the all-you-can-eat food selection. The next day, Kerry was in for a shock.

cat cross eyed, newborn kittens

When Kerry entered the room, she was greeted by a trio of adorable kittens peeking out at her. It appeared that Jewel had just given birth to her final kitten during the previous night. The three newborns were snuggled up against their mother’s belly, nursing in perfect synchronization. Kerry couldn’t help but gush over how cute Jewel was, with her big, crossed saucer eyes.

sleeping newborn kitten tiny

At BestFriendsFelines, Jewel was fully devoted to her motherly duties, attending to every need of her adorable babies. She spent almost every waking moment with them, and the progress they made was remarkable day after day. However, the next week brought an urgent request from a nearby vet clinic for two tiny kittens that were struggling to survive and in dire need of a caring mother.

cross eyed cat kittens

The organization BestFriendsFelines came across a situation where a young girl had given birth to six kittens, but only four were thriving as she couldn’t produce enough milk for all of them. Jewel and her tiny litter, who were of similar weight to the two undernourished 4-week-old kittens, were quickly considered as potential foster parents.

cross eyed cat, tuxedo kittens

Jewel, a loving feline, welcomed two senior kittens into her care thanks to BestFriendsFelines. The hope was that she would take them under her wing and be their new mom. To everyone’s delight, Jewel immediately took to nursing and grooming the new additions as if they were her own babies. Despite being undernourished for their age and weighing only a fraction of what they should, Jewel didn’t hesitate to provide them with the love and care they desperately needed.

cross eyed cat nursing kittens

At BestFriendsFelines, the two tuxedo cats received ample love and care from Jewel, which helped them gain weight. They enjoyed spending their time napping with their younger siblings in a cozy pile. As they turned three weeks old, they began to explore their surroundings by taking small steps outside of their nest and attempting to move around like their older brothers.

sleeping kittens cuddles

At BestFriendsFelines, the tuxedo kittens grew rapidly within a week. Kerry, who takes care of them, expressed how sweet they are and how they immediately come to her for cuddles. Jewel, the mother, is also a great caretaker as she’s always attentive to her kittens’ needs. Whenever the kittens make a sound, she’s there to fuss over them.

fluffy grey kittens

As soon as the little cats grew up and entered their active, mischievous stage, Jewel started spending more quality time with the family who was fostering her. She seemed to adore all the affection and snuggles she got from them and appeared to purr non-stop.

sweet tuxedo kitten

As Jewel’s offspring continued to grow, her first two kittens, Batman and Robin, became larger and more active, while her other three, Opal, Stirling, and Slate, were beginning to develop their own playful personalities. As a result, Jewel began to distance herself from her maternal responsibilities, as she was eager to retire and enjoy some well-deserved pampering as the queen of the household.

cute playful kittens

According to Kerry, Jewel was a charming feline who won over everyone with her stunning appearance, mesmerizing eyes, and delightful personality. Not only did she take care of her own litter of three kittens, but she also looked after two older ones. Kerry happily announced that all five of Jewel’s babies found loving homes, and now the wonderful cat herself has been adopted as well!

cat cross eyed jewel

It’s safe to say that as soon as her new family laid eyes on her, they were completely smitten. I have no doubt that they will spoil her and treat her like the royalty she deserves to be. This is just one example of the amazing connections that can form between humans and their feline companions.

cat cross eyed jewel

Don’t forget to share this heartwarming tale with your pals! For more adorable content, check out Best Friends Felines on Instagram (@bestfriendsfelines) and Facebook. And if you’re in the mood for more cute stories, don’t miss the one about a resilient little kitten who was found alone outside an abandoned building and now has a furry friend to grow up with.

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